Recovery from Pesticide Exposure – University of Georgia
Colonies that have been exposed to pesticides may recover if proper steps are taken. If a colony has lost a majority of its field force...
Superior Nucs for Spring 2014…Bees for Sale!!!
Our nucs are made from overwintered survivor stock, includes 5 fully clean drawn combs with a proven quality queen, brood in all stages,...
News from the Hive: What is a “NUC”?
A Nuc (mini-hive) is the best and more secure way to start hive because your colony will be off to a much better start than a colony...
News From the Hive: The Trap-Out…A Sarasota Honey Company Specialty.
What is a “Trap-Out”? The trap-out works by allowing the bees out of wherever they’ve chosen to nest, but not allowing them to get back....
News From the Hive: What are Varroa Mites?
Varroa mites are external, parasites of worker (female) and drone (male)honey bees. Varroa mites are visible to the naked eye and look...
News From the Hive: Sarasota Beekeeping Supplies for Sale
Welcome to the world of beekeeping! Sarasota Honey Company is proud to support the beekeeping community of the Florida Suncoast! We...
New From The Hive: Congrats to our very own Jessica for winning the state beekeeping essay contest.
“ “Planting for Bees from Backyards and Up” by Jessica Swenson The honey bees are dying off at an alarming rate. Over 100 United States...
News from the Hive: Tis the Season… Swarm Season! What causes Honey Bee Swarms?
What Causes Honey Bees to Swarm? When warm weather and plentiful supplies of flowers and pollen such as our citrus flower blooms in...
Queens for Sale: Here Comes the Queen
Sarasota Honey Company has Proven Florida raised Italian VSH Queens ready for spring honey flow! They are selected from the best bee...
Low Cost Bee Rescue & Safe Removal
Why Rescue? To save the bees …surprisingly, many people are not aware that without bee pollination, much of man’s food supply would not...