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Deck The Halls with Bottles of Honey!

New Products, The "Fluff" Honey is back, Holiday Gift Ideas, Chicken are no longer on strike.

Hi everyone, this newsletter is a little late in getting to you because we have been bizzzeee! We are excited to introduce a new product that a lot of our customers have been asking us to make for a long time...Honey Bombs. We just needed to perfect the recipe to our Queen Bee's satisfaction.

What is a honey bomb? A honey bomb contains our raw honey, organic fresh ginger, turmeric powder, black pepper, kosher/organic orange peel powder. You can nourish your body, spirit and mind with this spicy and supercharged honey bomb. Our research and some of our customers that are holistic health practitioners says they are a tasty way to combat cold, sore throat, boost immune system, and aid in treatment of infections and inflammations. Support your digestive system and ease stomach irritation, prevent gas and bloating, detoxify liver, improve wound healing, and reduce nausea. Just take a teaspoon of it in the morning, I did and boy did it wake my system up...but in a good way! ;) You can get our honey bombs at our farmers markets: Wednesdays at Phillippi Creek, Thursdays at Dearborn Englewood Market, Saturdays at the Bliss butter booth at the Venice Farmers Market, Sundays a the Market at Lakewood Ranch or at our store...bee sure to check our website for our hours!

Cut Comb Honey Comb Honey, Chuck Honey, and our Fluff tasting honeys are BACK!

We know you been asking for this one since spring! We now have cut comb honey and chunk honey. In the spring, covid hit just when we were going to place the special boxes on the hives. So making cut comb honey went on the back burner so that we could focus on revamping the business like everyone else due to the pandemic.

In August, our worker bees worked really hard to make the frames so that the bees could have the resources they needed to make the comb honey. On the left is Liza and Trevor making the frames and boxes for the comb honey. Our Queen bee worked day and night mending strips of food grade beeswax sheets to each frame with beeswax from our hives. This process is very time consuming and takes great skill and precision.

The frame could be ruined or the bees will reject it if she doesn't do it perfectly. strip acts like a guide, provides the bees with a foundation, and encourages the bees to make the comb honey. It takes 2 million flowers to make 1 lb of honey it takes a lot more for the bees to have the energy to build out the wax for the honey comb, fill them nectar, make the nectar to honey, and seal it to let us know it is ready for harvest. So, a LOT of work goes into making this type of honey on ALL fronts. The honey in our jars, is flug out the combs via a machine called an extractor, the combs stay intact...the bees just have to refill them with honey. This is why comb honey is more pricey than our standard honey in jars. This year the harvest wasn’t as good as we had hoped, the bees ate a lot of it because they couldn’t leave the hive due to Tropical Storm we had in November. That ok, they come first! So bee sure to come into the store and get your cut comb honey while supplies last! We will have our chuck honey at the farmers market, we can only bring the comb honey upon pre-order...via text 941.726.8755 must let us know 48 hours prior to the market day.

The Meadow Foam Honey is Back!

For those you that tried it, Meadowfoam honey has a distinctive taste many describe as “toasted marshmallow”, and a delightful vanilla-like aroma… that is the experience of Meadowfoam Honey. It just melts in your mouth. This honey went quick, many of our customers came back and purchase multiple bottles and we currently have some pre-sold! We rushed to see about getting more and it just came in. We only have a limited supply and we are not sure if we will be able to get more until summer. Check our November newsletter for the full story on Meadow Foam honey.

The Chickens are No Longer on Strike!

Last month the chickens went on strike, due to the recent crazy weather...very stormy days, high winds, colder and shorter days. Chickens naturally lay less in the winter months, but our birds started to lay nothing! They continued to keep the area around the hives free of small hive beetle for the honey bee's sake, but refused to lay a single egg for us. These old hens and young chicks maintained a thier poker face and called our bluff when members of our family threaten to make chicken soup! In the end WE folded. After tough negation, they got everything we could provide them. We expressed to them that there was no way we could control the weather or make the days longer. We could however build them new housing, provide in-coop auto-feeders/watering systems, fresh weekly bedding.We even offered organic crack corn so their system warm up naturally. They countered our offer with organic crack corn with organic barley,seed, and split peas to their already organic diet! Anxious for the strike to end, we agreed to their demands and we now have chicken eggs available at our store. We are still in negotiations with the ducks as they continue to demand weather change!

Holiday Hours and Holiday Ideas!

We would like to to thank everyone for thinking of us when purchasing items for your love ones for the holidays. We will be increasing our hours and days open now until Christmas day, please check our facebook page or our website for the most up to date information. At our store we are also offering, holiday boxes that you can fill and for a small fee will make it into bee-autiful a gift basket for your special person. We can also ship them for you, saving you time at the post office! For that service, we only charge you what the post office charges us. Below is are some of our top sellers for the holidays:

Check out our some of our bees doing quality control of one of our holiday candles. We hope you come in a do some "quality control" tasting of some our products at our store. God Bless and Happy Holidays!!! - Jess


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